2. Apply the murrini chip to your bead and then heat and press gently to flatten. Leave the chip raised and encase with clear to give your murrini a lens.
3. Apply the murrini chip to your bead and then heat until glowing and press the centre with a dental pick or other poking tool.
4. Apply the murrini chip to your bead and then heat until glowing and press the centre with a dental pick or other poking tool. Heat and press your murrini gently. Continue to heat and press a little at a time until the murrini is flat to the surface of your bead.
5. Apply the murrini chip to your bead and then heat until glowing and press the centre with a dental pick or other poking tool. Leave the chip raised and encase with clear to give your murrini a lens with a trapped bubble.
6. Apply the murrini chip to your bead and then heat until glowing and press the centre with a dental pick or other poking tool. Heat and press your murrini gently. Continue to heat and press a little at a time until the murrini is flat to the surface of your bead. Spot heat your murrini then take a clear stringer and twist the murrini to look make it look like a vortex.
6. Apply the murrini chip to your bead and then heat until glowing and press the center with a dental pick or other poking tool. Heat and press your murrini gently. Continue to heat and press a little at a time until the murrini is flat to the surface of your bead. Spot heat your murrini then take a clear stringer and twist the murrini to look like a vortex. Spot heat again and poke with your pokey tool then encase with clear to give your murrini a lens with a trapped bubble.
I hope you have enjoyed this murrini mini-tute
Jolene x