

Rhubarb Cake

One of the things that is growing well on the Lottie is Rhubarb so my friend Sue came over armed with a ton of baking bits and bobs to show me how to make Rhubarb Cake today.

My littlest was very keen to get involved and so with a bit of help weighing and such he got stuck in with the making and had a lovely fun using an electric whisk for the first time.
You will need
  • 3 sticks of Rhubarb
  • 6 tbl spoons water
  • 4 tbl spoons sugar
  • a few drops of vanilla essence 
  • 5 oz of butter 
  • 5 oz sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 9 oz flour

Tiddler and I chopped up the Rhubarb in to  inch (ish) chunks and I then popped it in a pan with the water and sugar over a low heat to soften and sweeten it. You can put Vanilla essence in the pan too if you want but we forgot. Next we weighed out the butter and sugar and mixed it together in a big bowl. Then came 4 eggs cracked straight into the bowl while I weighed out the flour.

Sue whisked the eggs and butter/sugar together with a little flour and then added the rest of the flour and then little'un splattered the walls with lovely cake mix, top speed whisking and having a wonderful time pressing buttons and making a sticky mess until everything looked pretty well mixed.

By this time the Rhubarb had softened up well so I took it off the heat and let it cool a bit before Sue helped Ethan stir it in gently and tip the mixture in to a buttered and floured loaf tin. This went in the oven on gas mark 5 for 5 mins and then 4 for a further 35(ish).

When the cake was done Sue turned it out on to an upturned egg box covered with kitchen roll to let it cool as I don't have a cooling rack and me and the kids waited impatiently for it to cool. It was delish and tiddler and I both had seconds :-D

Happy Baking, Jolene xx

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