

Messy testing - Circus Tent and Goldfish ltd run

These glossy hearts were made with CiM Circus Tent ltd run. The rod of Circus Tent looked clear with very fine lines of orange, yellow and black running the length of it.

I have wound this glass around the mandrel in layers of very fine stretched out wraps, a great technique for something like Pachamama but less effective for this glass. In pulling it out so thin while building up the bead I have lost the impact of individual colour strands and it looks like greyish glass instead of clear.

This is what Circus looks like after tumble etching. These beads have a lovely antique feel to them. 
I wanted to give this interesting glass a bit of a colour boost so I teamed it up with Goldfish ltd run. I had to strike the Goldfish lobes several times to get the this deep orange to bloom but the end result was very pretty.

Edit to add a picture of what Circus tent loos like as simple spacers and wound around a clear core to make a very large focal bead.

Jolene x

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