To make your own you will need -
2 cups flour
2 cups warm water
1 cup salt
2 Tablespoons vegetable oil
1 Tablespoon cream of tartar
We fudged the recipe quite a lot because of lack of tablespoon or a measuring cup so we mixed the flour/water/salt in a ratio of 2:2:1, added 2 glugs of veg oil and 2 heaped desert spoons of cream of tartar and it seemed to work out pretty well considering. After splitting the mixture into 6 we added a teaspoon of food colouring to each block and kneaded it into the dough to make loads of fun colours.
Play dough is such good fun to play with and is the most prefect distraction on a rainy afternoon. My son likes to make turtles and much about with play dough suitable scissors.

And my Daughter makes cookies and other treats for her imaginary cafe.

The cream of tartar makes homemade play dough last for ages, months even, as long as you store in airtight containers so don;t go throwing away your old empty play doh pots!
Have a lovely evening, Jo x
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