To my eye Musk ltd run looks like a light version of Mojito so I decided to use them both side by side in the same set. This first set of beads has been made with thick cores of Musk ltd run (round beads) and thin cores of Mojito (tumble etched donuts). All were encased with Experimental. The rounds and donuts came out of the kiln looking much closer in hue than they do in rod form due to the relative thickness of the cores and thickness of the encasing layer on top. I have also used Mojito as the top layer on most of the stacked dots in this set as I felt that Musk might look too pale to have much impact when used in such a tiny amount over a coloured dot.

The beads in my second set have a core of CiM Aegean ltd run encased with Effetre 006 and decorated with Effetre Lapis 421 and Effetre white.
Below are two close up images showing just one bead from each set side by side, 006 on the left and Experimental on the right. Both clear glasses look quite good in terms of minimal micro bubbles and scum. Experimental just has a slight edge over 006 Clear in terms of clarity when you hold the beads up to the light. I found that experimental was softer than 006 Clear which means that it can be used to make a thinner encasement layer than the stiffer 006 Clear can. All in all I quite like Experimental.
Jolene xx
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